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Design Sprint to define product and help viability decision

The client reached out to map out a new feature set within a short timeframe and validate the idea. Replacing endless meetings and guesswork with real work and tangible results.

Session 1

Goal 1: define scope of design sprint
Goal 2: define long-term product goals



How might we

Collecting, organizing and voting on How might we? questions to understand the problem

Long term goals

Collecting 2-3 year-long goals related to the product and defining an ultimate one


Map out an itialy, approximate user journey to find key moments, especially the end goal

Sprint Questions

Collecting questions that will help evalute the success of the Design Sprint

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Session 2

Goal 1: generate different solutions to our problem

Goal 2: choose a solution and create a prioritised feature list



Lightning demos

Gathering digital products approaching the same problem that we’re approaching in order to get inspired and get some creative energy

Notes & Ideas

Based on the goal and problem statement, generating multiple rough ideas and solutions

Crazy 8

Within 8 minutes sketch 8 different solutions, to generate variety of solutions

Concept Sketching

Based on the Notes & ideas + Crazy 8 each participant choose one solution and create a complete concept of it

Different type of voting methods (Heat Map, Poll) will help the key decision maker to choose the best concept which will be the basis of the prototype


Create a clear hierarchy of functions based on the concepts

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Session 3

Goal 1: create user test flow to validate the feature set/ product

Goal 2: agree on exact prototype screens



Usertest flow

Based on the selected concept and the features coming up with the interview test flow


Creating screen sketches based on the user interview flow in order to leave no open questions for the prototype

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After the Design Sprint we created the prototype and run a few interviews to validate the idea. 

Created a minified version of Design Sprint to fit within the 4 days-long timeframe, where we couldn’t book full days to workshops.

We were running this Design Sprint in order to solve

  • defining what MVP feature set is

  • defining how it would be part of the app

  • evaluating if the feature set is viable and there’s an user need behind that


By the end of this Design Sprint

  • testable prototype

  • deeper understanding of what functions are useful for users

  • viability decision/decision point

To reach our design sprint goals and answer the challenge we built 3 Sessions

Session 1 - map and list sprint questions

Session 2 - inspire and sketch + decide on solution

Session 3 - storyboard and user test flow

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